The Awakening International Ministries Network 



Awakening International Ministries Network is a network of ministers, ministries, and churches that seek to work together to achieve more together than we could ever achieve alone. Something far bigger and greater than ourselves and our own ministries and churches unites us together – the Gospel of Jesus and the Kingdom of God – and what drives us is spiritual awakening or revival. We seek to be an awakened and revived people who wholeheartedly seek after God and are awakeners who make disciples of all nations. We are a network that empowers both men and women to awaken their world with the Gospel of Jesus and the Kingdom in the fulness of the Holy Spirit’s power. We seek to train and equip Christians to minister effectively and who in return, can then equip others to minister effectively.
We seek to put our secondary doctrines aside and unite around the Gospel of Jesus and the Kingdom and revival. We believe that we are better together and can do more together than alone. Ministry is often lonely for many leaders but it doesn’t have to be that way. This network seeks to remedy that issue by connecting like-minded leaders together. Find credentialing, prayer support, fellowship, accountability, community, mentorship, regular gatherings, conferences,
training, teaching and more in this network. Have you ever wondered if there is more to the Christian life than just attending a Sunday morning service once a week? Have you ever wanted to do so much more for the Lord but you don’t know where to begin? Is there a specific ministry or passion that God has put on your heart
that you need help and direction to fulfill? If so, this network is for you!
Our aim is to disciple an army of saints who want to effectively minister for the Lord in the power of the Holy Spirit. All Christians are called to do ministry or service unto the Lord (Ephesians 4:12). To minister is simply to serve. When most people ask about getting involved in ministry, they are usually asking about vocational ministry in which they get employed as an elder or pastor in a church, etc. But the truth is that we are all called by God as Christians to be both ministers and missionaries to fulfill the great commission (Matthew 28:19). Ministry is not
just vocational and it does not only involve a church setting. You are called to do ministry and be the salt and light wherever God plants you. God has given you a sphere of influence and you must minister in that sphere. You are the “fragrance of Christ” wherever you minister or serve (2 Corinthians 2:15). You can do ministry both in and outside of the local church. The setting doesn’t matter as much as doing ministry. That is our calling – to minister or to serve just like Jesus (Matthew 23:11-12; John 13:1-17). God does not call all of us to vocational ministry or to some foreign land, etc. God does not gift us all the same and we each have a specific unique
calling. The key is to do God’s will and to be faithful at what He calls us to do.
Just because we are all called to do ministry doesn’t necessarily mean we are all doing ministry nor that we are executing it successfully in the power of the Holy Spirit. This is where this network aims to help. We want to help Christians find their calling and then give them the tools necessary to fulfill God’s destiny for their lives. This will bring them great fulfillment and blessing and it will also help others and bring glory to God. It is a win-win situation!

To fulfill your ministry calling, you must first check your motives. Why are you wanting todo ministry? It must not be for selfish purposes like pleasing man, for attention and applause, for power, for fame, for money, for selfish ambition, etc. It must be simply out of the motive of loving God and loving people. While God’s calling often requires sacrifice, battle, and suffering, it is not misery but rather joyful and fulfilling. The key is to figure out what your gifts are and what you’re passionate about. Often, God will use our past experience too in ministry. God often
prepares us through our experiences. Also, we encourage you to get wisdom from wise Christians who know you well and know what your calling and gifts are. Honest feedback is important and can help in confirming your calling (Proverbs 11:14; 15:22). We understand the challenges ministers face as they seek to grow God’s Kingdom on Earth.
We are here to provide resources and to help ministers, ministries, and churches grow in the Lord and be successful in God’s eyes as faithful servants. This network is here to give opportunity for like-minded Spirit filled ministers to develop relationships and to share resources. We want to help ministers, ministries, and churches thrive and experience God’s favor, blessing, and anointing! We want to help you experience a spiritual awakening in your hearts, ministries, and in your churches and to be awakeners for others. We want to help you go deeper in the Lord and
deeper in His holy Scriptures. We provide credentials for ministers so that they can perform weddings and funerals in the states which they reside. We provide licensing and ordination for ministers in ministry contexts.
We do not provide licensing and ordination for local church offices (overseer, elders, and deacons). We believe each local church is responsible for ordaining their own overseers, elders, and deacons. We believe God has given all five ministry gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher mentioned in Ephesians 4:11 and all spiritual gifts to both men and women and we seek to get behind these men and women in licensing and ordaining them. We believe both men and women are called to minister (see Romans 16 for example of a list of women God used in
We want to help them become as effective as is possible in equipping the saints to minister (Ephesians 4:12-16). We disciple, mentor, counsel, and train ministers to lead with Christlike, loving, servant leadership. We are here to help you live holy and righteous lives and to be a faithful servant of God, equip you to Spirit empowered Kingdom ministry, help you to flow in the leadership of the Holy Spirit, see you spiritually awakened, and give you the tools necessary to succeed in ministry. We
are a Spirit and Word network in which we seek to merge and balance together both the Spirit of God and the Holy Scriptures. We do not believe these are meant to be at odds with one another but rather to complement one another. We have a passion for both moving in the gifts and miracle working power of the Holy Spirit while at the same time having a robust theology.





How do you join this network?

The cost to join this network and become a member is a one-time non-refundable application
fee of $50 and a commitment to donate to the ministry either monthly or annually as the Lord
leads you.
How can you qualify to become a member of this network?
1) You are a believer or follower of Jesus as evidenced by spiritual fruit and good works
in your life (John 3:16; Matthew 7:15-20; James 2:14-26).
2) Fill out the membership form and pay the $50 application fee.

How can you qualify to become a licensed minister of this network?
1) Character – You live a consistent holy and righteous life. You have character and
integrity and the fruit of the Spirit is evidenced in your life. A good list of
requirements for any minister is found in 1 Timothy 3:1-12 and Titus 1:6-9 (besides
the two exceptions of “being able to teach” and “not being a new convert,” all the
other requirements apply to all believers and not just overseers).
2) Calling – You know God has called you to minister in the body of Christ and equip
other saints to minister too. You desire and are willing to serve in God’s Kingdom and
have accompanying spiritual gifts to help you to do this.

How can you qualify to become an ordained minister of this network?
To become an ordained minister in the network requires you to not only have the
character and the calling, but also experience in ministry and education. We require everyone
wanting to become an ordained minister to have active ministry experience as a licensed minister
for at least one year and to have a basic Bible education. If you do not have a Bible degree and
have never been to a Bible college or seminary, we offer a Certificate in Biblical Studies from
the Awakening School of Ministry. This certificate consists of six courses with each course
consisting of ten classes. The six courses offer a foundational Bible education and they include
Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey, Hermeneutics, and Systematic Theology I, II,
and III. We require you to get this certificate or equivalent teaching from another ministry school
or Bible college in order to qualify for ordination. The certificate in Biblical studies covers the
basics of Biblical theology and a survey of the entire Bible and also a course on how to properly
interpret the Scriptures.
You can be just a member of the network or become a licensed and ordained minister in the
network. The choice is yours. For those qualified for licensing and ordination which is
determined through an interview, prayer, and meeting the necessary requirements, we lay hands
on you in prayer in the presence of others. This is what is often called ordination. To ordain
simply means to set in place, delegate, or appoint. We do not ordain but rather God ordains and
we simply recognize and confirm it through the laying on of hands in prayer. We do not confer a
special spiritual status or power on people. We believe ordination is simply a recognition of

God’s calling and grace upon an individual for ministry. We simply confirm God’s calling on
your life and recognize your character, knowledge, and gifting before witnesses publicly and
then pray and bless you (Acts 6:1-6; 7:10; 13:1-2; 14:23; 2 Corinthians 8:19; 1 Timothy 4:14;
5:22; Titus 1:5).
There is a form to fill out if you are interested in becoming a member of the network.
Chris Dubois as the senior leader of this network. He is free to visit and minister, speak, and
train churches, ministries, and ministers in Kingdom empowered ministry. He always brings at
least one person with him and sometimes a team of people to do ministry. Please reach out to
him if you want him to visit your church or ministry.
We have at least one network conference a year. At this conference, there is teaching and
training. Ministers, churches, and ministries can see one another face to face. Days of teaching
and training take place and friendships are formed and lives are transformed!
You must be in active good standing as a member for three months in order to apply for
credentialing and are expected to maintain active membership with the network. Members who
leave the network lose their credentials.
You do not have to leave your current network or denomination to be part of our network.
Membership is for all. Licensing is available to everyone but you must be members for at
least three months first and go through an interview process. In this interview, we verify that you
meet the biblical character qualifications of a minister and that you understand God’s calling
upon your life. After you get your license, you can apply for ordination once you meet the
educational and experiential requirements.

For those interested in becoming members of the Awakening International Ministers Network,
please fill out the application form below. Thank you.



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